Men Want More & Women Want Everything
Sean Michael McDougall
Available Now on Amazon
We all wonder, why are relationships so difficult to navigate and experience positively with longevity? Well, the short answer is because of ‘The More & Everything Complex’. What is that you might be asking, well first you must understand ​​the single quality that distinguishes the genders is; Men Want More & Women Want Everything. ​
The More And Everything Complex. What is it exactly & how does it affect/effect relationships? How can Emotional Intelligence & purpose help strengthen and sustain a relationship? What are the games Men & Women play in relationships and what to do? These questions and much more will be answered and explained in my short and concise ebook, Men & Women: The More And Everything Complex.
I am very proud to share this book with you and the world. This ebook makes for a great read and gift to that special someone that you might wish would just get the hint or to discuss with your friends. Highlight your favorite chapter or part, let them know and discuss! Guaranteed you will learn more about the opposite sex. Click the "Press to see inside" button, and read the free excerpt of the insightful ebook Men & Women: The More And Everything Complex today!